29 June 2010

Vanilla Cream Cake

I made an amazing vanilla cream cake this week (if I do say so myself!). I got the recipe from the Penzeys Spice catalog, and I can't find just the recipe online, so this link is to download the summer catalog. The recipe is on pages 58 and 59. I never post recipes, right, but this one is just so good!

I made this! And you can, too.

Just some of my own notes on the recipe: The amount of melted butter truly is correct (only 2 tablespoons), but when you pour it into the milk, make sure the milk isn't cold or the butter will clump up. Also, I put (homemade) black raspberry jam in the middle layer. Lastly, the frosting wasn't quite enough for a four-layer cake, so try making a bit more. You can barely tell mine was a four-layer because the frosting is so thin in between.

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