29 July 2009

Indecisive? There's help (kind of)...

If you can’t decide what to drink with your breakfast this morning, what type of keyboard to purchase, or which gesture to use, there’s help. Don’t know whether to break up with your significant other? Can’t pick out the perfect book to read next? Need a snappy quote for your Facebook profile?

Well, all of these (and thousands of other) conundrums can be solved through the use of my now-favorite Web site, hunch.com.

Users sign up for a free, no-strings account (they don’t want your money) and answer some questions about their preferences. The main part of the site, though, is thousands of “topics” that users choose to “play” and see "results." Users are encouraged to give lots of feedback, add their own results, and even create their own topics. Don’t get it? It’s like a decision-making, advice-giving combination of Wikipedia, Facebook, and Match.com.

Some topics are serious, some are educational, and some are simply for fun.

Not for you? You might be surprised at how much you learn from and have to teach Hunch. It’s for everyone; that’s the point.

Follow me!

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