05 February 2011

Character-Based Tweeting

My last post was about tweeting in Chinese. Apologies to my English-speaking followers… But it’s so easy, really. The 140 characters that Twitter allows is an essay in Chinese.

That is not an exaggeration. I applied for a job in Beijing last year, and the application had a <100 character personal essay requirement.

It makes me want to tear my hair out that there aren’t more Chinese tweets out there. I never come close to using all 140 characters… the unfathomable opportunities for character-based tweeting are not being tapped into, and something should be done about it.

So I am trying.

I’m really hoping to get some kind of following among Chinese speakers of any nationality on Twitter, though, so I’ll be keeping up with the annoying Chinese tweets until I run out of things to say. Now, if only I had a phone that supported Chinese characters...!

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