23 February 2011

A Different Side to the Story

Ok, what the heck, right?
Here's a translation of what's going on.

The first line of text sets the stage: On Feb. 20, 2011, the American ambassador Jon Huntsman was at this Jasmine Revolution protest site in Beijing, and he was heard chanting in favor of the revolution. ("Let the revolution lead the way" type of thing.)

*Just a note here: I obviously can't confirm or deny that this was Jon Huntsman. Let's just go with it for the sake of the video!

Next is the remarks from two Chinese people, presumably behind the camera.

"Do you hope China will be in chaos?" (This question is directed at Huntsman.)
"This is the American ambassador in China!"

Next comes the red graphic and lines of text with some leading questions:
"Is this a maneuver to incite a Chinese “color revolution?”
Why is the American ambassador at the site making a farce by encouraging and cheering it on?
Who knows, but it was captured online."

Ok, now for the rest of the video in front of McDonald's. Here's the conversation:
“Excuse me, American ambassador, what did you run out here to do?”
“I just came to watch a little," Huntsman says.
“Is it that you hope China will be in chaos?”
“It cannot be,” says Huntsman.
“Aren’t you the American ambassador?" (No response.)
"This is the American ambassador to China!”
“None of you guys know?” (I think he's asking the crowd to confirm.)
“Don’t pretend you don’t know!” (Directed at Huntsman)
“You’re concealing that you understand and are pretending to be confused, aren’t you?” (Directed at Huntsman)
(Then the ambassador and his group walk away.)

Now back to the flashy text:
"It’s true! China’s problems are many! To reform the people’s livelihood, morals, beliefs, we have heavy anxiety.
But we don’t want to become Iraq!
We don’t want to become Tunisia!
We don’t want to become Egypt!
This country in chaos - 1.3 billion people - to count on America and these “revolutionaries leading the way” to still have food to eat?
Don’t f*cking bullsh*t! (repeated three times)"

1 comment:

Christina said...

Thank you for translating this for me! Very interesting. I'm also really glad that you translated the post from the Boxum blog, too... Without you I would be completely dependent on Yahoo news for the story, which everyone knows is completely accurate. :) I enjoyed hearing content straight from the source.

P.S. Your Chinese is apparently getting substantially better!