28 April 2008

Being Sick

Last week, five of my friends and I got food poisoning from a restaurant where we ate together. It only lasted one day, in which I slept in between having to throw up, but I realized that when I’m in America, I take for granted not being constantly ill.

Everyday when I wake up in China, I assess my health to see if I need to stay home from class. I usually miss about one class per week.

Sometimes I am not actually sick, but I have a sore throat from the air. I wear a facemask on these days, which usually fixes the problem.

And lately, I have been extremely tired. Sometimes I will finish class just before eleven o’clock and sleep until dinner. Later on that night, I have no problem falling asleep or sleeping through the night.

In America, it was a huge inconvenience for me to have a cold. In contrast to constantly thinking about my health while in China, my health was never on my mind while in America. I can hardly remember always feeling well…

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