09 January 2010

I Hate English

Ok, it's not that I hate English, I am just having trouble speaking it, which makes me frustrated. It's the little things, like verb tenses (past perfect), irregular verbs (too embarrassing to give an example), and specific words people don't often use (orthopedic).

And then, expressing myself is really hard. I have about 50 things I want to say, and I can't get my thoughts in order to make an intelligent sentence. I'm not necessarily thinking in Chinese. I'm not really thinking in any language. I have ideas in my mind that I haven't put in English yet- I learned not to think in English because I'd have to translate it to Chinese. Instead, I would take my thoughts, ideas, and concepts, and just say them as best as I could in Chinese.

My family can put up with me, but I hope I don't sound like an idiot when I go back to school.


Anonymous said...

Reverse culture shock? :)

Christina said...

He, he, you know I have the hardest time speaking English very well any day. I think I've transposed words and mispronounced syllables at least 4 times today at least. :)

That said, don't be too hard on yourself. You sounded quite "normal" to me last week. :)