09 January 2010


I lived alongside dozens of Muslims for four months. My second day back home, my family had pulled pork for dinner.

I don't think I have ever felt so conflicted and guilty in my life.

*Update* My mom just read this and informed me that it was NOT pork, but rather beef. That does not take away the strange and unnatural concern I now have for foods I used to frequently eat.

**Another Update** My mom would also like me to add, for some reason, that it was City BBQ beef brisket.


Nathan Vonada said...

Welcome back! If that bugged you avoid hotdogs for a while. I hope we get to see you before you head back to school!

Shattering Statistics said...

hahaha dude, i totally know what u mean. i was reading the jungle then i drove to indiana to visit a few friends and i got stuck on a 2 lane road beside a huge vehicle full of lil pigs for about an hour of my 2 1/2 hour trip. hahahaha so then i swore off ever eatin pig.

...thanksgiving hit, hadnt had it in months and then BAM i realized theyd made ham instead of turkey, after eating a few bites.

it was tragic