15 May 2015

No Showers on this Train

This is me with my friends from Holland and our Russian compartment-mate Viktor.
This is day four without showering, by the way.
Raise your hand if you shower every day!

I didn't raise my hand, and not just because I'm painstakingly typing this post out on my phone. No, I don't shower every day, and I'm not just talking about on this trip. (I actually broke my high score last week for showers in a single week: eight, woah!)

I usually shower three or four times per week, believe it or not. Yes, I'm talking about when I'm in the U.S., working and going to school and living my life! It just makes things so much easier. It saves time, energy, water, my sanity... I recently read an opinion piece about showering every day being a white, American thing. I totally get it. (I am white and American, for the record.)

Anyway, I thought I would shower once in London, once in Moscow, and then resume my normal (3-4 times per week) routine in Beijing. But because of my change of travel plans in Cologne, I got so many unexpected showers. I thought each one would be my last, yet they kept on coming.

But my Saturday afternoon shower in Moscow truly was my last until tomorrow when I arrive in Beijing. I'm on train with a rotation of other people sharing a compartment with me, and it is not so bad. I mean, I feel fine. I feel clean enough. Dry shampoo works really well. Baby wipes work really well. Soap and water: great stuff right there. Showering? Not necessary.

The four of us shared this space! Just wanted to also point out that I'm repping Lexis Nexis gear: the notebook and travel mug.
I could stay on this train indefinitely (and would if I could), and I would only ask for these things: unlimited books for when it's dark out and I can no longer see the landscape, a cup of coffee with cream each morning, and one shower per week.
The train bathroom. There was one of these on each end of the train car. The sink is to the left.

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