04 June 2008

Speaking Chinese

My knowledge of Chinese language is at the point where I am able to get almost any message across to whoever I am speaking to. Of course, there are thousands of words that I don't know, but "this," "what," "thing," "place," etc. combined with hand motions go a long way.

Since two weeks ago, I have been determined to only use Chinese. It's working very well. I rarely am unable to express myself and I see so much improvement with each conversation I have.

I love it so much more here now that I can talk to anyone and everyone. Sometimes I just go for a walk and talk to some of the street vendors. They have interesting stories and they love to hear about why I'm here and what it's like in America. Some of my friends are ready to go home, but I'm starting to enjoy it more and more now that I can successfully communicate. I thought I loved it before, so now everything is absolutely wonderful.

Before I came to China, my goal for learning Chinese was simply to study hard and do my best. I didn't expect to be able to speak half as well as I am able, let alone be able to write and recognize Chinese characters. (I am not able to speak well, and I'm not able to read much, don't get me wrong!) But now I have to reevaluate my goals, and it's confusing and stressful.

I am at the point where I know enough Chinese that it would be a waste to not continue to study the language. But at the same time, I still have two more years before I finish my degree in the states. Chinese language classes are not taught at my college, and during the school year I am too busy to take Chinese classes off campus.

I know there are ways to continue to study Chinese when I return, but it seems impractical. Also, what am I ever going to do with knowledge of the Chinese language? I'm studying journalism, and I'm happy studying journalism. Of course there are ways to combine the two, but is that what I want?

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